
Born in Michigan, and currently living in Southern California, I’m a grateful husband (yes, I definitely married up), proud father to 3 children that keep me laughing and smiling all day, and a man of faith.

I’m often accused of being a “Jack of all trades, and master of…none.” I’m fine with that. Being a master leaves little room for learning new things.

I started this blog as a central place to share notes and photos — especially as I continue to wean off social media, and plant those seeds here instead. You’ll likely notice a few themes across the “notes” pages, including an appreciation of many-things analog, along with a mix of family fodder, and musings on various things of personal interest (I smile when those things interest you as well). The “photos” portion includes moments I want to remember, and work that I sometimes hang on walls.

(To see what I’m up to “now” — click here).

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