- Continuing to work remotely. Our dog Boba has claimed a few square feet of the home office…it’s quite enjoyable listening to her gentle napping snores from her bed beneath my feet throughout the day.
- Consuming a lot of matcha tea…and have splurged with a monthly subscription to Matcha Kari (organic ceremonial matcha is the go-to, so good).
- Listening: Dexter Gordon Ballads is in heavy rotation. This has been a favorite for many years, and the sounds bring a comforting familiarity.
- Reading “The Household & The War for the Cosmos” by CR Wiley. Thanks to my friend Barnaby for the recommendation.
- Making a deliberate effort to get to the coast more often ~ early morning or sunset beach walks. This is the ideal season, and it’s fleeting, with fewer crowds and ample parking spots for a few Winter/Spring months.
- Still working on learning the Rosary in Latin. Slow progress, but have the Hail Mary committed to memory at this point in time.
- Working remotely from since since March, 2020. I’ve converted the closet under the stairs to what I’ve dubbed the “nest,” equipped with everything I need to be productive, plugged-in and cozy. It’s become quite welcoming.
- Enjoying family dinners, and more quality + connection time with my beloved
- Reading: Working my way through the catalog of work by John Eldridge, very relevant at this moment in time (especially, Get Your Life Back), and taking lots of notes. Also discovered Morgan Snyder, and have been busy highlighting and marking up the margins of “Becoming a King.”
- Enjoying family dinners, and more quality + connection time with my beloved
- Growing (albeit very slowly) a few Bonsai trees from cuttings (Japanese Maple and Olive).
- Attempting to learn the Rosary in Latin. Spending a lot of time in the book of Ephesians.